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Tammy Wilson

Certified Consultant

(559) 259-2440

My Story

When I was first introduced to Scentsy I instantly fell in love and you will too. I first discovered Scentsy July 2019 when visiting a friend on vacation. The first bar that I was lucky enough to smell is called Luna and it smells so refreshing and clean. When I first heard about Scentsy I thought it sounded great but wasnt interested in selling it until I tried it myself and fell so in love that I decided to start selling so that I can help everyone enjoy it just as much as I do. The variety of fragrances, warmers, and many other options to make your house look and smell amazing made me want to keep buying more. My goal is to keep selling and help others learn more about all the products Scentsy has to offer no matter what you like or dont like there is something here for you that you wont be able to live without and I look forward to helping you do just that.